Went partying the day before? Have a hangover and want to deal with it? Here are some ways to deal with a hangover the next day.
1. Drink fruit juice. It has a kind of sugar called fructose that helps the body burn alcohol faster.
2. Drink plenty of water and rehydrate yourself. Alcohol causes dehydration of your body cells. It would also be wise to consume a sports drink to and lost sodium. Drinking plenty of water before you go to bed again when you get up in the morning after may help relieve discomfort caused by dehydration.
3. Have two cups of coffee. the coffee acts as a vasoconstrictor - meaning something that lessens swelling of blood vessels that cause headaches. A couple of cups can do a great deal to relieve the headaches associated with hangovers. But remember don't drink too much.
4. Eat crackers and honey. Since honey is a very concentrated source of fructose, the honey is also able to help burn off alcohol. Plus, eating a little bit in the morning is another way to flush out whatever the alcohol remains.
5. . Amino acids are building blocks of protein. Just like vitamins and minerals, they can also be depleted by the use of alcohol. They can be available in capsule form in health food stores.
6. Eat a good meal. A balanced meal will replace the loss of essential nutrients. keep the meal light: no fats or fried foods.
7. Get some pain relief. Take a painkiller such as Ibuprofen. DO NOT take Acetaminophen, as it can cause liver damage when combined with alcohol.
8. . Drinking fluids drains the body of these valuable vitamins. It can also shorten the duration of a hang over.